Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 5 Tips on How To Make Your Corporate Trade Show Event Buzz-Worthy

How to make your next corporate trade show event Buzz-Worthy! How to Increase Your Social Media Exposure- Faster than the latest celebrity divorce!
In today’s social media world of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, your company can be post-worthy in an instant at your next corporate trade show!
The more buzz-worthy you are, the more increased visibility your brand will receive. 
Would you love your customers and prospects talking about you to all their social media followers?
OK, let's get to it then!

Here are our top 5 tips on how to get the buzz going for your company.
  1. "Oh!" is for originality- Give them that little "Oh-I Love It!" feeling when they receive your clever take away gift. 
  2. Send the unexpected- Sending your trade show giveaway gift before your event to your top prospects and customers with a note inviting them to your booth will generate pre-show buzz. 
  3. Make it fun- Go big decorating your trade show booth. Use bright colors and have fun with a theme. Include balloons, music, giveaways, even an entertainer would be an outstanding idea to set you apart from the crowd of other company booths.
  4. Engage- Rev up your event team. Buzz creates more buzz! Be excited to present your giveaway to each person who visits your booth. You can engage your prospect or customer even further by having them answer one question to get the gift- (For example- What is your favorite TV show? Favorite place you visited?)
  5. It's time for a selfie! –Have a contest asking each person to post a picture of the gift and of your booth (be sure to mention to “hashtag” the name of your company- #xyzcompany) to enter to win a larger gift by the last day of your trade show. Then pick a winner and announce it! This will also give you a great reason to follow up with them.
Yes, you can have fun with that marketing piece, trade show theme or even play up your company brand and get great exposure! They will be excited to share it and you will be excited knowing your marketing campaign was a success! 

Here’s what Paul, one of our corporate clients who utilized these top 5 tips, had to say about his latest PR campaign experience: “Thank you for your creative ideas and fast execution of our project! The gifts have been received today and a few recipients are already posting pictures to Instagram, Twitter and their blogs. Amazing!” -Paul S., PR Manager
Do you have an upcoming corporate event that you need help coming up with creative ideas for? Just give us a call at 800-856-1646 or shoot us an email at customerservice@aclassycase.com and we’ll help you get the scrolls rolling!  

What has been your favorite trade show giveaway story? Post in the comments below. We would love to hear what has and hasn't worked for you!

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